1 Assist Care Night Care Program Costs

1 Assist Care offers a number of programs to help families and individuals who need care through the night.  Some of these programs can be half the cost of assisted living facilities.
Care Through the Night
  • Cost: $50/night (averages $1500/month)
  • What it is: Have someone there at night to respond to help with medication reminders, bathroom, light help, make sure they are safe.
  • Additional Details:
    • Program includes two “activities of daily living” at night or in the morning (getting ready for bed, getting breakfast ready, etc)
    • Caregiver has a place to sleep at night and get ready in the morning
    • Caregiver responds to help requests (or help requirements)
    • Anything above 1.5 hours of active care at night billed at $18.00/hr
    • Caregiver has midnight curfew and is required to stay until 6:30 am unless caregiver and those cared for – or responsible party – have a different mutually agreed upon schedule
Care Through the Night + 12 hours per week:
  • Cost: $50/night + $18/hour for care through the day (averages around $2500/month)
  • What it is: Same as above, but includes 12 hours during the week of active one on one care
Care Through the Night + 5 hours per day:
  • Cost: $135/day
  • What it is: Same as care through the night, but includes 5 hours each day of active one on one care
Care Through the Night + 12 hours per day:
  • Cost: $235/day
  • What it is: Same as care through the night, but includes 12 hours each day of active one on one care
24/7 One on One End of Life Care:
  • Cost: $350/day
  • What it is: 24 hours of focused one-on-one care including support activities that typically take place as one nears the end of life