How Much Do Your Assisted Living at Home Services Cost?

Assisted Living At Home Costs in Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Driggs, Ashton, Island Park

The basic cost to receive care in your home or the home of your loved one is $21.00 per hour if the care appointment lasts two hours or longer, read on to find out how you can make the costs go down.

Please note, if care is required through the night, or if you need a caregiver to be in the home through the night, the costs go down based on the amount of hours and help needed.  For a list of costs of care programs helping people through the night, click here.  Please note, these costs can be less than half the cost of an assisted living facility – and no long term agreements are required!

How do we pay for your services?
1 Assist Care accepts payment from the following sources:

  • Self-Pay
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Medicaid (based upon qualification)
  • VA Benefits (based upon qualification)
  • EEIOCPA (if the person needing care – or their spouse – worked at the Idaho Energy Site – based upon qualification)

How much do your services cost?
The basic cost to receive care in your home or the home of your loved one is $21.00 per hour if the care appointment lasts two hours or longer.

If we exceed 20 hours per week of care, that cost goes down – and can be as low as $18/hour.

For self pay, there is no minimum or maximum amount of hours required.  You arrange the schedule and help in the selection of the caregiver.

We provide assisted living care services to families and individuals in the home from Treasure Valley, Magic Valley and Eastern Idaho, Utah Valley and Northern Utah.

Please note on this page that bolded and underlined text opens to pages with additional information.

What does this provide?
This brings a trained and insured care professional into your home to perform a wide array of services.

On top of the care provided, this includes live updates concerning what happened at each care visit on a secure website that you have access to at any time.

But My Loved One Needs Medical Attention, Too
They can still stay home!  There are a large number of home health and hospice companies in the area that we work with that will bring the medical attention that your loved one will need, be that physical therapy, hospice, or a nurse.  We can even help you install a system in your loved one’s house that will alert you to help keep them safe.

Can I lower the cost?
While we stand by our cost due to the quality of care you will receive, 1 Assist Care’s focus is on the well being of those that we serve.  There are a number of ways to pay for care, from private pay to long term care insurance.  Additionally, 1 Assist Care can work with you to find creative ways – such as Veteran Benefits or Medicaid – to help with the costs of care.

I am considering this for a loved one.  How do I talk to them about this?
Always a delicate subject, 1 Assist Care has an article that provides insight on how to talk to a parent or loved one about receiving care in the home.  You can find it here.

Can I Get a Free Home Visit?
Our initial visit to the home will be free
.  During that visit we will collect the information needed to ensure the safety of the person receiving care as well as the caregiver.  We will also work with all interested parties to create a plan of care that focuses on the well being of the person receiving care.  During the visit, we will discuss options you have to receive communication concerning how your loved one is doing and what we are doing with them.

For additional information, give us a call at 208-557-4215 or fill out the form below and we will reach out to you.