Costs of Care for Mom and Dad


It was good to speak with you today.  You can find more about the type of care we provide here:
Our standard prices are listed below.  We have a reduced price for private pay for standard care, which we can discuss.
Other than private pay, we accept the following for payment:
    • A program for former workers at the Department of Energy sites).
    • It would be good to find out from them how much they will cover for care as your dad.  This program has paid out over $140M in services for former DOE workers
    • Their number is 866-272-2682.  Your father needs his EEOICPA card (he does not have) and a letter from his doctor (we can get) to qualify.
  • Long Term Care Insurance
    • Something your father said he has,
    • It would be good to call his carrier and ask them if they are covered for “Private Duty” or “In Home Care”
  • Medicaid
    • The State would determine how many hours they qualify for and if there is a co-pay.
    • Of the three listed, this is the program that has you utilize your parents’ assets/income.
Please note that they are invoiced after services have been rendered every other week.  It is also good to note that these costs are for both parents total, it does not increase when we add care for both parents.
Standard Care (during the day)
  • 2 – 20 Hours/week: $22/hour
  • 21 – 30 Hours/week: $20/hour
  • 31 – 40 Hours/week: $18/hour
  • Over 40 Hours/week: $16/hour
The following are programs for having a caregiver through the night.  You can see that we are able to ramp up or reduce care based on your parents’ needs.
Costs can also be lowered by having home health or hospice provide some care (bathing).  You can see when compared to a facility, the costs are typically lower, even though there is one caregiver focusing solely on them.
Care Through the Night
  • Cost: $50/night (averages $1500/month)
  • What it is: Have someone there at night to respond to help with medication reminders, bathroom, light help, make sure they are safe.
  • Additional Details: 
    • Caregiver has a place to sleep at night and get ready in the morning
    • Caregiver responds to help requests (or help requirements) at night
    • Anything above 1.5 hours of active care at night billed at $18.00/hr
    • Caregiver has midnight curfew and is required to stay until 6:30 am unless caregiver and those cared for – or responsible party – have a different mutually agreed upon schedule
Care Through the Night + 12 hours per week
  • Cost: $50/night + $18/hour for care through the day (averages around $2500/month)
  • What it is: Same as above, but includes 12 hours during the week of active one on one care
Care Through the Night + 5 hours per day
  • Cost: $140/day (averages around $4200/month)
  • What it is: Same as care through the night, but includes 5 hours each day of active one on one care
Care Through the Night + 12 hours per day
  • Cost: $285/day
  • What it is: Same as care through the night, but includes 12 hours each day of active one on one care.  This is typically used as someone approaches 24/7 care.
24/7 Care
  • Cost: $350/day
  • What it is: End of life care.  Having one caregiver at a time actively provide care 24 hours a day.  The reason this is listed per day is because this typically is only needed anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks.
Warm Regards,
Andrew Rail
Chief Caring Officer
Assisted Living – In The Comfort of Your Own Home
Office: 208.557.4215
Fax: 888.384.0874
Cell: 208.521.0397
1 Assist CareConnect with us to to learn simple tips on elderly health and weekly tips on family history.