How Veterans and Their Spouses Can Receive Access to Free Assisted Living Care at Home

Consider these three questions:

  • Are you a veteran?
  • Are you the spouse or widow of a veteran?
  • Do you have a parent/grandparent who is a veteran?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, read on. We have some great news for you…..

Not sure if you had heard, but veterans have a pretty sweet deal.

They should. They sure gave a lot so we could enjoy so much.Veterans and their spouses in East Idaho may qualify for over $20,000 in personal care services annually

One of the benefits that veterans and their spouses may qualify for is called the Aid and Attendance Pension. In certain cases, that number can amount to over $20,000 annually added to their pension for use with personal care.

There are specific requirements to qualify and you will need to apply. But here is another sweet part of the deal. 1 Assist Care is here to help you with the application process

Here is how it works.

So again consider these three questions:

  • Are you a veteran?
  • Are you the spouse or widow of a veteran?
  • Do you have a parent/grandparent who is a veteran?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then – Step one, done!

Step two is to fill out your contact information below and 1 Assist Care will help you begin the process to:

  1. Understand if you qualify for the benefit
  2. Cut through the VA process to get access to the benefits faster

Go ahead and give us a call at 208-521-0397 or fill out your contact information below to see how much you or your loved one qualifies for.