Qualifications for Assisted Living Benefits for Veterans and their Spouses from the VA

Outside of Idaho? Check out the Veteran Assisted Living Network site to start the qualification process.

This is something that you will want to know about.

If you are a veteran, a spouse of a veteran, or the loved one of a veteran (or the loved one of a spouse of a veteran), you will want to know about this.

It is called the Aid and Attendance and Housebound allowance that is added to the monthly pension check. It is intended to help veterans and their spouses who either need some help with the tasks of daily living (cooking, cleaning, personal care) – or it can even be used to help pay for residential care at an assisted living facility.

Picture of an elderly Veteran Saluting as part of am article that discusses assisted living benefits that veterans and their spouses qualify for from the VAEither way, it is a pretty great deal.

So often as we visit with veterans and their loved ones, we more often than not find two things to be the case:

  1. They do not know about the program
  2. They do not know the qualifications of the program

So here is a quick rundown of the what it takes to know if you, or someone you loves, qualifies. Just go through this initial checklist. And remember, spouses of veterans (whether the veteran has passed on or is still alive) can receive these benefits.

  • Was the veteran honorably discharged?
  • Did the veteran serve during a time of war
        • Clarification – they did not need to be deployed to the war, as long as they served active duty during a war
        • Second Clarification – this could be World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, etc
  • Does the veteran (or spouse) have need of daily living activities due to either an illness or physical affliction?

If the answer is yes to these three questions, and you are looking at assisted living help, either at home or at an assisted living facility, then drop us a line and we will help you with the following:

  • Understanding the application process with the VA
    • Including helping you to know how to get the necessary paperwork regarding military service
    • We cannot fill out or sumbit any paperwork. This must be performed by the applicant, or someone approved by the VA.
  • Locating a home care company or an assisted living facility that will work with you as a veteran, the surviving spouse of a veteran, or their loved one.

Fill out your contact information below and we will reach out to you to begin the application process. Don’t live in our area? Not a problem, fill in the information and we will put you in touch with someone in your area who will help you:

Note: 1 Assist Care of the Valley is not any way affiliated with the US Department of Veterans Affairs nor is 1 Assist Care of the Valley compensated for assisting with the application process. We are simply an assisted living care company that helps veterans and their spouses receive the daily living care that they require.

Your Mother’s Greatest Fear About Aging – And What She Loves

<em></em><i>1 Assist Care of the Valley sponsors free monthly educational sessions in East Idaho to prepare families and individuals for aging in graceful and happy ways.</i>

You know your parents.  You know them well. Age changes people.  And that is not a bad thing.  With age comes wisdom, experience, and a beauty only the elderly can claim. But things happen to the body and the mind as we age. Here are four statistics you may not know about the elderly.

<img class=”  ” alt=”Elderly woman climbing a wall with the text ” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LiX01VmZvD8/UYf-6RyNH7I/AAAAAAAAHLU/dIW-WRUmrbM/s1600/Sorry-Grandma-No-Bingo-Today-Funny-Old-Lady-In-RussSe Financial</a></span>, is that <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>they are going to be a burden on you</span>.  Yeah, they are more concerned with putting you out than they are worried about death. Talking about what is in store for the future does not have to be gloomy or depressing.  The time will come when age will impact your family’s life.  Wouldn’t you rather face that time prepared with a plan that you have all discussed and understand what everyone is to do – and what the desires of both your parent and yourself are?

<strong>3. Your loved ones may not know what is coming
</strong>According to that same report by GenWorth, <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>49% of those who receiving long term care had not even considered the possibility that they might even need long term care</span>.  That represents almost half of those receiving care.

<strong>4. You may not know what is coming
</strong>This is probably the most surprising, as it represents well over half of those who were providing support to their loved one.  Of those providing support, <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>57% had to dip into their own retirement funds or personal savings to take care of their parents</span>. What does that mean? It means that not only did their loved ones not plan for or realize what was coming, but neither did the family member providing the support.


<strong>Conclusion – Be Prepared Now
</strong>Does that mean retirement does not have to look like what you hope it looks like?  Absolutely not.  Go and travel the way that you want.  Let your loved one do the same.  Read the books that you all want to read. But in order to make that happen, you need to sit down and plan.  Understand the reality of what may come and prepare for it.  There are options out there to help you prepare for the unexpected – and expected. The time to start is today.  As in now. Schedule some time as a family.  You will all pat yourselves on the back later for making the right choice now.

<a href=”www.valleyhelpathome.com”><img alt=”Picture of a frustrated woman – the greatest concern for the elderly is being a burden on their children.” src=”http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2013/05/11/1226639/918334-frustrated-woman.jpg” width=”312″ height=”176″ /></a> Your mother’s greatest concern about aging? That this is how your are going to feel about making sure she is taken care of as she ages.

<em>To find out more about this and other topics to prepare your family for aging, fill out the form below and we will update you on the free monthly informational sessions.</em> <em><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><strong><a title=”Our Services” href=”http://www.valleyhelpathome.com/our-services-east-idaho-teton-jackson-hole-in-home-care/” target=”_blank”>1 Assist Care of the Valley</a></strong></span> also provides assisted living services to seniors who desire to stay in the comfort of their own home throughout East Idaho. To find out more, fill out the form below and we will reach out to you.</em>