The Secret History of Your Name

What secrets do your last name keep? has created an exciting new tool that allows you to find out the history of your last name and what it might reveal about your ancestors.

To check this tool out, go to’s site here.

ps – A little bit of a hint, try entering other family names you may know in your family history.

1 Assist Care’s Caregivers not only help with things like cooking and cleaning, they can also help the seniors they care for do their family history, giving those receiving care with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Have You Seen: 7 Lessons That Can Lead to Family History Breakthroughs

RootsTech 2016, the largest conference in the world focused on family history technology is all wrapped up.

FamilySearch, the conference’s organizer has published a set of 7 lessons you can use for “Family History Breakthroughs.”  Some are obvious, like “Family History is for Everyone.”  Some are not so obvious, like how to make your family tree public.

To read the entire list, check out the post here.

Did you know 1 Assist Care has helped our client’s do family history with them while providing care?  It has helped our clients feel a sense of purpose as they work towards a goal and service while in their homes.  Call us for more information! 208-557-4215

Get everyone involved in family history.

How to Solve Four Family History Problems in a Minute or Less Using One Tool – Puzzilla

Sometimes the hardest thing about doing family history is in knowing where to start. Now in less than a minute, you will know exactly where to begin.

RootsTech 2014 is come and gone. We hope you were able to view some of it online if you could not see it in person.

If not, you can view videos the the RootsTech website.

PuzzillaOne fascinating item we learned about from the conference comes from Puzilla. Simply by logging it, in less than a minute you are able to see who has yet to be found and attached to your genealogy file (as recorded in

In order to use the tool, you do need to have a FamilySearch account and you will need to have uploaded your family history to FamilySearch.

To the right below is an example of my family history, as shown in Puzzilla. I can see that on my mother’s side it goes back a couple generations. On my father’s side it goes back a few more. I can see where each line stops so I know where to begin my search

An example of a genealogy chart created by

Here are four reasons I love this new tool

  1. Sometimes the hardest thing about doing family history is in knowing where to start.
    Now in less than a minute, you will know exactly where to begin.
  2. Why do family history when my family has already done all the work?
    Now you can see exactly what has been done and what still needs to be done.
  3. I get stuck trying to find one bit of information for one person and want to give up.
    I can now take a break for a little bit on that line and work another line. Success creates success. If you get hung up on one line, you can get frustrated and give up. But the positive feelings you get coupled with the lessons learned when succeeding on another name or line will help you when you return to the other name you took a break from.
  4. I have to scroll through name after name to see what has been done and what hasn’t, zooming in and out. I get lost.
    By choosing how many generations back you want to go, you can see immediately instantly what lines are missing and which are completely in a single view.

Give Puzzilla a try.